Friday, February 15, 2008

Mr. Culkin talks Washington,

Boy oh Boy. The Political Climate here is a lot different then it is in Long Island. People are definitely alittle more extreme here, actually a lot more extreme.

As many of you know, in Berkeley, there was a huge protest against a Marine recruitment centre. Now I respect people's views. If people are against the war, thats fine, heck, I'm against the war. But protesting the marines? calling them liars and intruders? Whoa whoa, I'm not on that bandwagon. Theres a fine line between being against the war, and bashing the troops, but I think it was eventual that the liberal elite would show their true colors. I knew a lot of them were lying when they talked about "supporting the troops."

The Men and Women in uniform defend your rights, and put their lives on the line, so you can "protest them." Sometimes I feel we're truly the most spoiled brats in the world. The difference between the Greatest Generation, and everything after that, is that the Greatest Generation appreciated what they had, and appreciated what people were willing to do for them.

And now onto the Presidency. Wholy horrible crop of candidates. Okay, Hilary Clinton is well...a Clinton, Obama is charismatic and seems sincere, but way too liberal and I think pretty naive and in terms of foreign policy, Mike Huckabee seems like a nice dude, but is an Evanglical Christian, and I think the Republican party has had enough of that corrupt crap, and John McCain is VERY old.

When I look at Hilary, I look at someone who used my home state of New York, as a launching point for her political career. Being First Lady doesn't mean you have "the experience" to become President, which I think is overrated anyways. I think she's very corrupt, serves special interested and will put us in a huge mess.

Obama seems like a good guy. Seems like he's sincere in his message, sincerely wants to bring about change, but boy oh boy, he's gonna make the deficit worse. He wants to do stuff that involves taxing the crap out of us, and making us basically into the United Communist States of America. Again, I like him as a person, but his views are just very scary to me.

I think Mike Huckabee seems like a nice dude. I think he'd be fun to hang out with, talk Chuck Norris jokes, etc, etc. But man oh man, he's tragically religious. I'm a constitutionalist and a Catholic, but I don't want the constitution changed to fit the Bibles word, and I don't believe the founding fathers would love that either. Some of them were men of faith, but not all of them, and they wouldn't want their document altered. America to me has always been faith based, yet tolerant, but thanks to Neo Conservativism, this has really gone astray, and we're mixing politics and religion. Even Jesus thought this was an awful idea.

I LOVE Ron Paul. Best candidate. Wants to eliminate socialist programs in America, get us out of corrupt international organizations like the UN, as well as end the war, and STICK TO THE CONSTITUTION. True Conservativism and REAL CHANGE FTW!!! Unfortunately, he stands a snowballs chance in hell of being President. Next.

John McCain. He's a true hero to me. His service to our country, and what he endured under capture from Vietnam is a story of heroism, bravery, honor and sacrifice. But boy oh boy, he's old. He's 71. We'd actually have to worry about who his Vice Presidential choice would be. Also, don't believe the absolutely retarded people who think he'd be "George Dubya the Second." Anyone who says that knows absolutely NOTHING about the man and his politics and looses all crediblity. Neo Conservatives CRINGE at the thought of McCain being President, citing he's "too liberal." The man is as moderate as it gets.

I'm probably going to Vote for McCain, or do a write in as a protest, most likely writing in like, Big Bird or something. Boy if I could get enough people to do that, we'd definitely be screwed.

So its basically a battle between a Femminist, an extreme Socialist, a Baptist Minister and a Moderate Conservative War Hero. Doesn't this sound like the beginning of a joke you tell at a bar?

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